Monday, July 21, 2008

Fort Baby



Were these super gates not the best invention ever?! Don't get me wrong I don't normally "pen" up my kids, (or the Fighting Octagon as the Hub calls it) but in order to get some things done during the day they do spend some time chilling out together! I'm thinking of even taking it out in the backyard and testing it out there too!


Debra said...

LOL.. just wait till they learn to climb out of it... trust me it is COMING!

We have ours now around the computer desk to "deter" them. LOL

Jocasta said...

Mine aren't good with restraint - the screaming makes it not worth while. Also battle baby is a problem with us! Nothing more amusing than making your sister scream!!!

Kim said...

I never had one of those but there were many days I wished I did.

Lottie_Ellie said...

Enjoy it while it lasts. Hopefully you have a few months before the climbing begins.

Claremont First Ward said...

You've gotta do what you've gotta do. People with only singletons will never understand........:)

I am Arizona; a person, not a place. said...

I kept debating whether or not to buy one of those when my girls were younger. I should have because I would have gotten more cleaning done! lol!

4funboys said...

bet you'll be able to keep them in there "happy" for even longer amounts of time outdoors!!!

love your blog title