10 years old and so full of life! You came into this world (already playing video games!) by force! I was a week overdue and the weather was starting to get hot. The doctor had scared you into induction the week before but you weren't budging, you were happy where you were!
We went into the hospital at 6:30 in the morning scared out of our minds but amazingly excited that we knew today would be the day we finally got to meet you! The doc was running late and we started the induction at 7:30 and at 7:11pm that night there you were- The sweetest little boy I had ever seen, all 6lbs 10oz of you! You were such a good baby that the nurses were coming in all night asking if they could hold you! They couldn't believe how quiet and good you were!You started me out on this journey through motherhood and I thank you for that!
Chugo- My genius! My go getter! I know you will go so far in life because you are made up of all things good! You're genuine and although you are only 10 you've proven that chivalry is not dead!

Happy Birthday......
Happy Birthday! I love that chivalry is not dead with him. There's nothing better than that!
You and your kids are just too damn cute for the rest of us. Happy Birthday.
♡ So cute! Happy (late) birthday to him!
Happy Birthday!!!
So Erin, is 9 a hard age? My oldest (a son) turns 9 next month. It is making me CRAZY nervous as he is already starting pre-puberty crap!
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