Thursday, August 7, 2008

...The seemingly endless battle of teething......

A late post as I drag my tired body to bed...

One word sums up today- TEETHING.
Yes Folks we are teething again. The fevers, the exploding poo diapers and the cranky poor babies who are just beside themselves upset. I feel for them I really do and I thank God that we only teeth once in our lives! (well it takes years but it really truly is only once.)
I wonder why I even bother thinking of sleeping as I know it will be another night filled with tears and writhing in pain. (on both our parts I am sure!)
Any Mom with children feels my pain- but a Mom of Twins cringes at the thought of feeling my pain. *wink

So.... until tomorrow...SIGH... I'm off to battle the night and like the trooper I am I know when dawn arrives I'll have survived this teething yet one more day!


Jocasta said...

Good luck! I do feel for you even though as my girls only have three teeth each we are taking the whole teeth thing slow and easy!

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Your boys are so cute. My 15 month old is teething now. He had only 6 teeth for months and now he is getting 5 on top and 4 on bottom...all at not fun. Sorry you have it doubled.

Homegrown Tribe said...

don't scare me! :) Hope tonight's a better night


Debra said...

You poor thing!!!! Is pain relievers not helping? Have you tried Hylands Teething Tablets? Google them. We call them Happy Pills. They work wonders!!

I am Arizona; a person, not a place. said...

my girls just went through 2 weeks of teething, so I feel your pain! They both got 2 molars, two canines and one other all in a two week period. I wouldn't have survived without Tylenol (both for them and me!!) Good luck!

Lottie_Ellie said...

Just wait for the molars... oh, um, I mean the end is in sight.

Kim said...

Aw..I feel your pain. I hope it's getting better.

Tracy said...

after surviving the first year of sooo many sleepless or interrupted nights sleep - it is SO HARD to go back to getting up so much. don't go crazy - it will end.