It's been a while, and thats putting it nicely. 2009? The last post was from then? YEESH...
Deep breath. What has happened since then? Well waaaaaaaay too much.
But, I'll give you a hint..
well else happened over the years, Oh yes, we moved across country and landed ourselves in Texas. The south sure has changed us all, but for the better. I have to say, I Love LOve LOVe LOVE the sunshine. (the heat, well not so much.) We rented a house, bought a house, sold a house, and even started a business! The kids are growing like weeds, and we are all happy!
I am looking forward to getting back into the blogging world, if anything, its cathartic to just sit after a long day and write. (even if no one reads it.. and thats fine with me too! haha)
So, a new adventure begins. I hope you enjoy the ride~ I know I sure will!
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