Back together again! Still in separate isolettes but getting closer to cobedding. This is the first time I've been able to hold them together!! Feels sooooo good!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Posted by Lala at 7:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 26, 2007
Feeding & Growing
The twins are doing great and are now on the feeder grower side of the NICU. This is huge as we are preparing them for coming home! (well once they get bigger and can eat all their feeds, have no apnic spells and maintain their own temp!) Its been crazy here and I am so tired, trying to heal. But its been worth it!
Posted by Lala at 9:32 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Kata Turns 6!
As I was still fresh out of the hospital, but still practically living there with my daily visits, he settled on a family party as long as we all dressed up! And we did!
Posted by Lala at 10:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Emotions Run High
Our NICU Journey has Begun and so far... its been a doozy. I feel like such an outsider in my sons care. (Not to mention their lives.) Its so hard to see them hooked up to these machines that are breathing for them. Both boys are heavily sedated and it makes me want to cry. Their second night of life Bus had a Pnuemothorax. (it short a hole in his lungs) So he needed to have a chest tube put in so it would let the air out of his chest that had collected. The Hub had the unfortunate experience of having been present when they were doing the surgery. We were not told that it was being performed until he went down there and saw it. (they were going to tell us after they relieved the pressure.) Then we got the call in the hospital room that Moose needed one.
Two days later we were awoken by One of the NICU docs to tell us that Bus needed another one. He explained how it was rare to have more than two so we shouldn't worry and how the staff was just baffled as to the immaturity of the boys' lungs. (Seeing as I had two rounds of steroid shots to help with their lung maturity before giving birth- plus I was 30.5 weeks when I gave birth which was suppose to have given the boys an even better chance lung maturity wise.)
As if the boys had been in competition we got yet another call that Moose needed a second tube. I cried all night. How could these sweet boys be having to go through so much in such a short time in their lives? During this time I was the pumping queen. Seeing as I didn't have the sweet babies to get that milk flowing- Bessie.. My "milker" became my best friend. (One night when I was on my pain meds I kid you not that machine started talking to me and it repeated Budapest over and over again! Ohhhh drugs!)
When my milk finally came in I was so excited to get wheeled down to the NICU to drop off my bottle for the boys (not that they would be eating anytime soon but it would be frozen until the time came) and we were sideswiped with a consent form to preform a blood transfusion on Bus. My eyes started to sting and though I fought it, the tears came. I couldn't believe that this was happening. I couldn't wrap my mind around the thought of having someone elses blood run through my 3 day old son. (Needless to say the Hub slept next to me until I calmed down that night.)
After our arrival home Bus needed yet one more chest tube (yes that makes three if your keeping track!) and had a Level 1-2 brain bleed while Moose had to be put under the bili lights due to jaundice.
Posted by Lala at 6:31 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 20, 2007
-And So It Begins-
So they prepped me for surgery...
And away we went to meet the twins! I've never had a bloody nose, broken bone. let alone a major surgery so I was freaking out. If you've never had a C-section before they prep you and get your anesthesia all in place before they let your husband in the room! HELLO! I cried, yeah yeah call me a wimp but the thought of getting a needle stuck in my back worried me. Speaking of... I ended up having to get TWO spinals as the first one didn't take and only one side of my body was numb. They kept pricking me with a needle to see if I could feel it and I could. I thought I was psyching myself out but I knew I could feel it. I started to panic and asked if maybe they should just knock me out cuz I definitely didn't want to feel this! Finally they got me numb and the Hub was allowed into the OR. He was so calm and collected. He held my hand and gently stroked my head which was very calming- And in classic Hubby fashion he cracked jokes to lighten the mood. (He had the OR team laughing.)
Moose was next and I wasn't even aware he had come out. They assured me he was ok just needed some help in the breathing department. It took 75 mins from start to finish and then I was wheeled over to the postop room for 2 hours.
I spent 4 days in the hospital and then was discharged to go home and finish recouping there. If you have never had to leave a baby at the hospital it is heart wrenching. (let alone two babies!) Then the NICU journey began...(deep breath)
Posted by Lala at 10:00 PM 0 comments