Thursday, June 26, 2008

Mary Mary Quite Contrary...

....And this is how my garden grows!

Blueberries are going to be fantastically abundant later this summer and Raspberries are ripening, and strawberries....oh the sweet strawberries! I'm blessed with berries!


Laurie said...

WOW!!! You have some gorgeous flowers. Please come make mine look like yours!! :)

Claremont First Ward said...

It's official. I'm going to stalk you and eat your berries. Beware. But seriously, your garden looks spectacular!

Jocasta said...

Wish my garden looked like that!

Bonnie the Boss said...

You changed your name! I didn't know who it was. Thanks. How are you feeling?
Your flowers are amazing.

Connie said...

Okay...I am so jealous of your flowers and berries!!! It is just too hot and dry here, and now we are in drought, so no berries for me this year. I'll be lucky to have any lawn left....whah!!! Can I come and bask in your garden??? See what those rainy winters will get you?

Kate said...

Beautiful! Hey, do you have a more encompassing shot of your garden? So I can see more than just the blossoms up close? I imagine it is amazing!!!

Too bad you weren't my neighbor, I'd be happy to help you eat your berries or make some strawberry banana baby food!

Tracy said...

jeesh woman - stop making the rest of us w/NO gardening abilities look bad.
I'm back - good time with mom - I'll email more of the nitty gritty. of course there is . . .
how are you?

Lala said...

I hope you all know that my garden isn't THAT impressive. ;)

Debra said...

WOW. wanna help me landscape my yard? My green beans and peas are not looking so hot either.

girlytwins said...

Beautiful and Yummy. I need to grow some blueberries. The amount my girls each week and the high price is almost as crazy as these gas prices LOL!

Jaime said...

Wow, I'm jealous!!